I am so blessed to be surrounded by quite a few people that encourage my worship life. Cathy Howie is one of those people. Beyond her abilities as a musician, worship leader, and artist, Cathy has a beautiful way of expressing on “paper” all that God is teaching her regarding being His true worshiper. Check out her blog, Worship Devo – and enjoy!
Why do we come together on Sunday mornings?
This is a serious question, not an off-handed, patronizing shock-question at the beginning of a blog. I’ve been asking myself this for several months.
We don’t need to be together to worship God. We can do that on our own at home, walking through the woods, lying on a beach, or riding on the subway.
We don’t need to gather together to hear the Word of God preached and taught. Again, we can do that at the kitchen table, in the forest, beside the ocean, or in a train car.
So what’s the big deal about Sunday? (And I do believe it IS a big deal.)
There are many passages in Scripture about meeting together. One of the most notable being Hebrews 10:24-25. However, what continues to hit me this week are two passages in Psalm 116:
14 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.
18 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people, 19 in the courts of the house of the Lord— in your midst, Jerusalem.
The Psalmist desires to make good in front of God’s people– not for his own glory…
12 What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?
…but because God has been good to him.
Once again, in the midst of one of the most hedonistic societies in the history of civilization (though overused, “It’s not about me,” is truer in this situation than any other), can we agree that every worship service is not for us worshipers? Not for my comfort, my preferences, my senses, my edification, or my enjoyment. Not one iota, jot, or tittle. That is not to say that some of our desires aren’t met in the process of worshiping God, but they are merely side effects– not what drives the event or the goals of it.
So, why do we gather together as a church body? Simply, to worship God together and publicly proclaim His goodness.
Nothing else matters except that God is glorified.
What if all of us arrived at our places of worship this week with an all-consuming goal and singular focus that God be glorified in all that is done, said, sung, and thought? How would my attitude be different? What about my interactions with people would change? How would I handle distractions from this goal? Would I prepare differently today?
Writing this blog can be so humbling and convicting! I’m hoping reading it is, too. Will you join me in this? Can a revolution in our churches start with us, this week, that will change our hedonism into God’s glory as He is enthroned on our praises?
Cathy Howie is the Director of Creative Arts at Trinity Church in Indianapolis and also the Director at Halcyon Arts/Artists in Christian Testimony. Remember to check out her blog, Worship Devo, to read more great worship insights from the Word of God. Thanks, Cathy!
For a more in depth look at what the Bible teaches about worship, check out Worship and the Word or purchase it here!
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