Ok, we’ve known about the twins for awhile now, but the latest news is that the hiding twin finally exposed itself today and we now know that we have <drummmmm roll> a BOY and a GIRL! (Please excuse the over-the-top excitement here…lol.)
So in CELEBRATION of our future (3rd) grandson and (1st) granddaughter (not that we don’t celebrate the 2 beyond precious grandsons we already have every. single. day!) I am giving away a hard copy of my book, Worship and the Word, to the first MALE and the first FEMALE who comment on this post with “Twins are awesome! Send me a book!” or anything similar. Yes, a real, hold-it-in-your-hands book!

So the contest is open. The quickest fingers get the books! I need a male and female – because one of each is AWESOME! GO!
Pam/aka, Memaw 🙂
P.S. This is a recent picture of Ben helping Krista eat for three! 🙂
Remember, comment below post here!
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